#SoCs Second Chances New Opportunities

This is the most authentic stream of consciousness post I’ve ever written.


I’m sitting next to my husband who’s driving and my son and grandson are sitting in the back seat.

We’re on our way to the beach, el Sardinero in Santander, Spain, and I was looking at the scenery and checking out some blogs, when I came across Linda Hill’s SoCs prompt: ‘second’ I love it! https://lindaghill.com/2016/07/22/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-july-2316/

So many wonderful things are ‘second’ for example second hand or second best, at least I think they’re wonderful. Second best is as unique as best, and she can still keep trying to improve while ‘best’ has already accomplished his dream! Second best is still on her journey of improvement,  and we all know the journey not the destination is all the fun!

Second hand shops and articles are just wonderful.  Haven’t we all found fabulous things others have used and loved to reuse and relove.

This leads me to my favourite ‘second’ word: second chances and second opportunities. We all make mistakes or wrong decisions, or suffer great loss, and we all need another chance to make things better, say your sorry, make amends, start a new.

There’s only one inconvenience about second chances, you have to purposefully go and get them.

Seek out that person  you need to see again because something was left unsaid. Open your eyes and look for new opportunities.

Remember second opportunities are better than first. We have the experience and the will to do it better, this time!

Go for it!🎆🎉😎


Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

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