#SundayWalks ‘7 things I forgot in 2020’

I forgot to be impatient, because life isn’t a race, it’s a journey to be savoured. 

I forgot to complain when I switched off my morning alarm, because every day is a unique gift to treasure.

I forgot to worry about setbacks, because they show me a lesson I need to learn.

I forgot to feel guilt about my choices because they are a result of my free will, and they have brought me to where I am.  

I forgot to feel fear, because, ‘only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.’ Dorothy Thompson.

I forgot to feel bored because this world is the most fascinating place in the universe and I am lucky enough to experience living here.

I forgot to feel entitled, because this world owes me nothing I don’t deserve. Instead, I learnt to say thank you for every breath I take, everything I see and feel, and everyone in my life, including you, dear blogging friends and visitors.

And finally, I forgot to worry about everything I had lost over the years and remembered everything I had.  

Tell me, what did you forget in 2020?

Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

8 thoughts on “#SundayWalks ‘7 things I forgot in 2020’

    1. Thank you, Robbie! They’re all mine, my daughter’s in Munich, and a friend who lives in Norway, except the sunrise which is from pixabay. There’s lots of snow in Europe atm.


  1. This was cool – except I keep thinking that to forget is something not good – and forget feels a little sloppy
    But I get that you were using it here as how you let go of complaining and all that –
    But the “I forgot” threw me off at first
    Anyhow – I got over that enjoyed your brilliant post with social psychology lessons with words and photos
    And in 2020 * I let go of my fear – cannot say forgot it because I sure didn’t –
    It was there – but I actively managed it and pushed on to get things done!
    Happy new year

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, fear is a hard one to get over. I wouldn’t even leave the house for months, but you have to let go, take precautions and get on with life! I feel as if I’ve let go of a lot of negativity in 2020, and amazingly (I never would have believed it in March) I’m feeling more optimistic.
      Thanks for dropping by and commenting:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the reply and each of the things you mentioned you “forgot” in this post were so masterfully written and you have a lot for readers to take away
        And funny how in the early months we just had no idea as to what would come of this all – A lot changed since Mary and April

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a special and brilliant post! Love it! What I forgot and learned? How much we depend on other people for the life we live! Love, love the snow pictures. We never have any.


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