***** All Hallows at Eyre Hall ***** Kindle Countdown Deal


I write novels, and I publish novels without the support of an agent or publisher, so I am a self-published author.

That means I do not write only for my own personal pleasure: I write for others.

In other words, I write, and research, and rewrite, and edit, and proofread, and format for kindle, and do all the paperwork involved, and commission a book cover, and publicise, and promote… because I’d like other people to read my novels.

We all know how hard it is to get noticed ‘out there’ in the immense universe of self-published and Publisher-published ebooks and print books.

So I’ve decided to try to make my book more visible and more attractive by taking part in a Kindle Countdown Deal, which will give readers the incentive to buy a low-cost book by an unknown author.

The USA Countown Deal runs from 22dn to 28th September, when it can be purchased for 0.99 cents.

The UK countdown offer is from 25th to 30th September, for 0.99 pence. My mistake for not getting the synchronisation right 😦

Who might like to read my novel?

Anyone who enjoys reading Victorian fiction, romance, mystery, or literary fiction.

More information, such as blurb, reviews, and preview of first chapters here on amazon.com and amazon.uk

I would be really grateful if you helped spread the word, on Twitter, Facebook, your blogs, etc. Retweeting and sharing my Facebook post would be great! Any other ideas for promotion? Let me know.

As I consider my followers my ‘virtual friends’, if any of you would like to read it, just let me know.


Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

12 thoughts on “***** All Hallows at Eyre Hall ***** Kindle Countdown Deal

    1. Thank you for your constant support! I’m getting nervous now. Like when it was my children’s first day at school! Who will read it out there? What will they think? I really need to give book 2 a push, too! So much to do! How’s yours coming?


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