#FridayBookShare ‘The Mistake I Made’ by #Author Paula Daly @PaulaDalyAuthor

I’m joining in Shelley’ Wilsons’s Friday Book Share with some suggestions for entertaining books to read for the weekend.

Check out the hashtag #FridayBlogShare on Twitter.

You’ll get great ideas for weekend reading:)

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First line of the book.

Bodies were my business.

Recruit fans by adding the book blurb.

If you slept with a stranger for money, who’d really end up paying?

We all think we know who we are.

What we’re capable of.

Roz is a single mother, a physiotherapist, a sister, a friend. She’s also desperate.

Her business has gone under, she’s crippled by debt and she’s just had to explain to her son why someone’s taken all their furniture away.

But now a stranger has made her an offer. For one night with her, he’ll pay enough to bring her back from the edge.

Roz has a choice to make.

Introduce the main character using only three words.

Roz is a hard-working, single-parent, who loves her son and makes some unwise choices regarding men and money.

Delightful design (add the cover image of the book).



Audience appeal (who would enjoy reading this book?)

Readers who enjoy contemporary family drama with some suspense and romance will love this novel. It’s well-written, unexpected, and gripping.

Your favourite line/scene.

It’s not exactly my favourite scene, but it’s the first scene that shocks the reader into understanding Roz’s plight.

‘Prepare yourself, Roz, the bailiffs have been.’

‘What did they take?’

‘The lot. Well, all except the beds, because they belong to your landlord, apparently, who has  also been slithering around, leaving his usual trail of slime, asking if I’d seen you. He left a note demanding payment, I believe.’

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Want to join in sharing a book you enjoyed?

Anyone can have a go – all you need to do is answer the following questions based on a book you are currently reading/finished reading this week and use the hashtag #FridayBookShare. Grab the banner on Shelley’s blog.

First line of the book.

Recruit fans by adding the book blurb.

Introduce the main character using only three words.

Delightful design (add the cover image of the book).

Audience appeal (who would enjoy reading this book?)

Your favourite line/scene.

Happy Weekend Reading!

Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

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