Reaching 1,000 Subscribers: A Review of my Walks and an Insight into the London Wlogger

I don’t usually reblog, but I couldn’t resist sharing these London walks with you all. The most beautiful city in the world, why else would Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dickens, Galsworthy (to name a few of the writers I most admire), have been so inspired by this ever-changing city?

I am looking forward to following London wlogger’s walks, as soon as possible, which will probably be in a while…

Meanwhile I’ll enjoy reading and looking at the lovely photos, and I hope you do too!

London Wlogger

A few days ago I surpassed the dizzy heights of 1,000 subscribers! A MASSIVE thank you to everyone that follows my blog! So this week I’m doing something a little different and looking back on all of my previous walks over the past three months. Also I’m going to provide some useful insights behind my walks that you might not normally get to know from each of my routes!


My walks have taken me to the parks, markets, squares, streets, bridges, and riverside views, whilst uncovering the capital’s true hidden gems! Here’s quick recap of them all!

Victoria to Green Park

My first walk visited some of the capital’s famous parks and palaces! My journey started at Victoria Station before heading to Buckingham Palace via St James’s Park and The Mall. I ended up at London’s smallest Royal Park, Green Park! Discover more of the journey and the history of these…

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Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

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