About Luccia Gray

I’ve been fascinated by everything to do with Victorian England since I was a teenager, thanks to Sister Catherine who first introduced me to the mischievous Victorians when we read The Lady in White by Wilkie Collins, aloud in class.

My favourite Victorians are Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, The Brontes, George Eliot, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hardy and the poets Byron, Keats, Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, Tennyson, the Brownings, Christina and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and a very special mention to Charles Dickens, my very favourite Victorian author and person. The writers themselves, as well as their beloved characters, pop up, one way or another, in all my novels! Mr Dickens makes a stellar appearance in Twelfth Night at Eyre Hall and he has a significant role in Thunder Moon at Eyre Hall.  

I would never have felt the power of prose, if I had not read Jane Eyre, when I was an impressionable and romantic thirteen-year-old. However, I would never have fully appreciated Jane Eyre, if I had not read Wide Sargasso Sea thirty years later, when I was an active and overrun mother of three teenage children. Finally, I would never have had the idea of writing this novel, if I had not taught Postcolonial Literature in English to undergraduates, whose lively discussions and thought-provoking questions ignited my overactive imagination. As a result, both novels merged in my mind to re-emerge by my audacious pen. My humble and sincere tribute to both literary giants, who contributed to make me not only the writer I am, but also the person I have become.

While I was writing The Eyre Hall Series, and mainly due to some readers’ comments regarding my ‘unjust or inaccurate’ portrayal of Edward Rochester, I started wondering what would happen if the events in the novel occurred nowadays. How would contemporary readers react to the events? My fertile imagination imagined Ghost Wife, my latest novel, to be published in July, 2022. More about Ghost Wife here.


A romantic suspense with a chilling twist

Ghost Wife : A Chilling Romantic Suspense by [Luccia Gray]

I hope you enjoy visiting my blog, Rereading Jane Eyre, where you will find articles on Victorian Literature, especially posts about Jane Eyre, and information about my writing and reading pursuits, as well as updates on The Eyre Hall Series. It started as a trilogy, but I couldn’t stop! Read all about the series here.

I also post about things that interest me, such as my writing process, book reviews, including fiction and non-fiction, poems, flash fiction, and motivational posts. 

Follow Luccia Gray on AmazonGoodreadsBookbubTwitterInstagram, or Facebook

55 thoughts on “About Luccia Gray

  1. It is so nice to meet someone with same tastes in Literature and even Jane Eyre, which happens to be my favourite book as well. And I am a writer as well. I’ve written one full length and two part ways. Life has been getting in the way. And I don’t know how to say ‘No’ to the special people in my life. So here I am enjoying WordPress and meeting wonderful people who do what I would love to do. Nice to make your acquaintance. I live in Canada, been to England about five years ago and stayed with a friend in Hampshire. She took me to see Jane Austen’s residence where Jane wrote Pride and Prejudice. I also visited Charles Dickens place and Sir Authur Conan Doyle, besides castles and palaces and churches and so forth. Love it in the U.K. I want to return but it will have to be soon as I am not getting any younger. 🙂


    1. Nice to meet you, too! I live in the south of Spain, now, but I love going back to UK, too. My favourite activity has always been reading and writing, and more recently, blogging, but I also have many other occupations/obligations ‘getting in the way’… I’m struggling with my second novel, mainly due to lack of time. I hope to be giving it some extra time this summer. I went to Montreal for a day trip, when I stayed at the Adirondack’s upstate NY, some years ago, but I’d love to return. Seems a beautiful country from documentaries and films…


      1. With Canada being such a big country in size, there is plenty of different scenes to behold. Mountains in the west, boreal forest in the north and some great animal life, and plenty of prairie. I try to share some of my part of the world on my blog. I live only 30 kilometres from the U.S. 🙂
        Spain must be a beautiful place to live. I’ve been wanting to go to Italy for some time. I wanted to stay in the old monasteries for I heard they were cheaper than hotel rooms. I hope my dreams get fulfilled. If not, I live in my writing and reading worlds.


    1. Thank you! Wow! I feel very honoured. I can’t look into it now because I’m busy at work 😦 but I’ll follow the link as soon as I can this afternoon/evening. 🙂


  2. Hi Luccia! I have been enjoying your blog and your comment on my page. I am beginning a guest blog weekly series beginning Sept. (every Friday). It will be about “What Story means to you” and it can be about your work, others, films, tv, as long as it connects back to you and how it affected you and what it means to you. Would you be interested in participating? Let me know and I hope you will! Joel


  3. Hey there, I nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can find the post here (http://wp.me/p2xbqA-eA), and I would be happy if you accept, but can also understand that if you’re not the award accepting type or have too many of these already or whatever, that this might just not be your cup of tea. 🙂 Anyway, I love your blog!


    1. Congratulations on your award, and thank you very much for your nomination. I’m so glad you like my blog. I have already received this award, but I ‘ll be very happy to receive it again. Thank you for thinking of me 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it was through twitter. I loved looking around your blog! I’m also new to Self-Publishing and it can get lonely. It’s good to get to know other writers doing the same 🙂 Thank you for following back!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi its good to meet and better still through the April A to Z and the SoCs. Thank you for the follow I am very grateful, like receiving a smile or a wave from a stranger.I am ashamed to admit though an avid reader the Bronties Jane Austin are not my cup of tea though Wilkie Collins and Conan Doyle are good. I look forward to reading more of your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Victorians are a tough read for contemporary readers: 3 volumes, lots of description and often too much telling instead of showing for 21st century likes 🙂 I started reading them as a teenager and have spent the rest of my life rereading, but contemporary renderings such as Regina Jeffers, and more I’ll be featuring, are very ‘readable’. I call them the mischievous, delightful, and delectable Victorians 🙂 Wilkie Collins was actually the first I read at 13. I’ll have to write a post about that:) Thank you so much for dropping by, liking, and commenting💟🌹💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes! It was the Moonstone:) A teacher, Sister Catherine, used to read out loud to us in class, usually the final hour of the school day. It was a magical moment. Sometimes we took turns and read, too. I’ll never forget her💖

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that someone else is fascinated with Mr. Rochester, but sees him as less than heroic! I nominate you for Sunshine Blogger Award 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Why are all the books in this series now only available in kindle format?
    I have read first three I have read as paperback books, the 3rd you kindly sent me a proof copy
    After corresponding with you on twitter.
    I’m afraid I do not read electronically but would really read the last two in the series .
    Yours faithfully
    Fiona woolford .


    1. Hi Fiona. First of all, I hope you have a happy 2023, full of peace, love, and happiness.I
      The answer your question about why the paperback versions of The Eyre Hall Series are no longer available is as follows.
      When the Eyre Hall Trilogy became a The Eyre Hall Series, I wrote a prequel, Blood Moon at Eyre Hall, a novella, Resurgam, which occurs while Jane is still almost happily married to Rochester, and two more novels, Thunder Moon and Snow Moon at Eyre Hall. The earlier novels have been revised and edited as ebooks.
      I’ve had a complicated end of 2021 and all of 2022, with many good and not so good things occupying my mind and my time.
      I was planning on republishing the print format when life started getting complicated. I hope to have them all ready for print in the next few months.
      Meanwhile, you might like to read Ghost Wife, which is a contemporary romantic thriller, somewhat inspired by the Jane Eyre plot. It’s available in print and ebook.


      1. Many thanks for your reply, I would be grateful if you could drop me a line when future eyre hall mysteries ware available in book format.
        Hope 2023 is a more settled year for you .
        Kind regards
        Fiona woolford


  7. I have read the first 3 novels in this series , the 3rd one you kindly sent me a proof copy after corresponding with you via twitter.
    I’m afraid I do not read via electronic devices and would dearly like to enquire if paper material is available of the last two novels
    Many thanks fiona


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