My 3 Favourite #Christmas Novels #amreading

My favourite activity around Christmas is rereading or relistening to some of my favourite Christmas themed novels, like the three novels I’d like to share with you today: A Christmas Carol, Mr Dickens and His Carol, and A Holiday by Gaslight, A Victorian Christmas Novella.

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Carrot Ranch #FlashFiction Challenge: ‘What if?’

This post was written in response to Charli Mills weekly flash fiction challenge. January 5, 2017 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a rattling sound. It can be an intimidating sound of protest, a disorienting loud sound, a musical expression or a gentle baby’s toy. Go where the promptContinue reading “Carrot Ranch #FlashFiction Challenge: ‘What if?’”

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#TwelfthNight in Victorian England

Today is Twelfth Night. It is the last day of the Twelve Days of Christmas, which began on the 25th of December. It is literally the twelfth night after December 25, so it is celebrated on the night of January 5th, the night before the Epiphany, or the coming of the Three Kings, Wise MenContinue reading “#TwelfthNight in Victorian England”

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