#SixWordSaturday May He Be Safe, Happy & Free

I live in the south of Spain, and I’m lucky enough to enjoy a warm climate and a swimming pool at home. When my five-year-old grandson comes to visit, he takes off his clothes and jumps in! He’s a great swimmer and he loves playing in the water. I wasn’t born with a house, aContinue reading “#SixWordSaturday May He Be Safe, Happy & Free”

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#SixWordSaturday Plot your novel, not your life! #SixWordStories

It’s my first time taking part in #SixWordSaturday. Thank you Debbie at Travel with Intent  for hosting and I hope to gradually meet the other participants. Six Word Saturday seems to be a good and concise way of summing  up the week with six words in the title of the post, and a post withContinue reading “#SixWordSaturday Plot your novel, not your life! #SixWordStories”

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