#IWSG Surprising Writing #amwriting #WWWBlogs

The IWSG is a fabulous site for authors to share and encourage ech other by expressing doubts and concerns and looking for advice and guidance in our writing life. It’s a safe haven and meeting place for insecure writers of all kinds! The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day when weContinue reading “#IWSG Surprising Writing #amwriting #WWWBlogs”

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#FridayFictioneers Pirate Ships #FlashFiction

It’s Friday, time for another Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction story with adorable and creative Alice, her incredulous and conventional parents, Marsha and Kevin, and her best friend, Billy. Today, we’ll be learning a little more about Alice, and why she needs to be creative. I hope you like this new episode! Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-FieldsContinue reading “#FridayFictioneers Pirate Ships #FlashFiction”

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#CarrotRanch #FlashFiction Challenge: Making a Rainbow @Charli_Mills

This post was written in response to Charli Mills at Carrot Ranch’s weekly Flash Fiction Challenge February 9, 2017 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a rainbow in a puddle. Is it a silver lining of sorts or a false reflection? Think about what it might mean or convey.Continue reading “#CarrotRanch #FlashFiction Challenge: Making a Rainbow @Charli_Mills”

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