#IWSG Surprising Writing #amwriting #WWWBlogs

The IWSG is a fabulous site for authors to share and encourage ech other by expressing doubts and concerns and looking for advice and guidance in our writing life. It’s a safe haven and meeting place for insecure writers of all kinds! The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day when weContinue reading “#IWSG Surprising Writing #amwriting #WWWBlogs”

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What happens when a writer prefers reading to writing?

It’s the first Wednesday of March! Time to blog hop with The Insecure Writer’s Support Group!    What happens when a writer prefers reading to writing? I’m a writer, but before being a writer, I was a reader. I’m still a reader. In fact, I think I’ll always prefer reading to writing. I blame my kindle app,Continue reading “What happens when a writer prefers reading to writing?”

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How Flash Fiction Has Improved My Writing

I started writing Flash Fiction for fun, and because it was a challenge. I read and write mostly Victorian novels, so I tend to get verbose at times! I’m trying to write more concise prose, and I find that the linguistic and mental exercise of having to cut out all the unnecessary words has beenContinue reading “How Flash Fiction Has Improved My Writing”

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How to find time to write a novel, with help from Stephen King

I prefer reading to writing. That’s only natural. It’s easier and more enjoyable to read. Someone else has done all the hard work and you just lap it up and enjoy. No wonder my favourite moment of the day is curling up on my armchair with my kindle, preferably by the fireplace, with a cupContinue reading “How to find time to write a novel, with help from Stephen King”

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Which books should writers read?

Writers need to read beyond our comfort zone, and branch out to embrace genres and styles we don’t normally approach, because otherwise we run the risk of becoming self-absorbed. Reading works we wouldn’t normally consider widens our perspective, improves our style, and opens windows to other ways of telling different kinds of stories. We needContinue reading “Which books should writers read?”

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