#MondayBlogs What Makes a Great Novel? #Amreading #Amwriting #Amreviewing

If a formula existed for a great novel, everyone would benefit. Authors would write perfect novels and readers would never be disappointed. So, what makes a great novel? My answer is connection and intimacy. Writers need to connect with their readers and readers are on the lookout for authors whose stories invade their hearts andContinue reading “#MondayBlogs What Makes a Great Novel? #Amreading #Amwriting #Amreviewing”

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#FridayFictioneers ‘Overlook Hotel’ #FlashFiction

Time again for a new episode of Friday Fictioneers featuring our indomitable heroine, Alice Pendragon, her best friend, Billy, and her parents Kevin and Marsha. This story takes us back to Alice’s early teen years, before her father disappeared. Thank you Rochelle at Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple for this week’s prompt for hosting this fabulousContinue reading “#FridayFictioneers ‘Overlook Hotel’ #FlashFiction”

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#IWSG Plotting & Pantsing #amwriting

This post is written in response to the insecure writers support group’s monthly prompt.   January 4 Question: What writing rule do you wish you’d never heard? I’ve been thinking hard about this question all day, and I can’t think of an answer. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a writing rule which has influenced meContinue reading “#IWSG Plotting & Pantsing #amwriting”

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How to find time to write a novel, with help from Stephen King

I prefer reading to writing. That’s only natural. It’s easier and more enjoyable to read. Someone else has done all the hard work and you just lap it up and enjoy. No wonder my favourite moment of the day is curling up on my armchair with my kindle, preferably by the fireplace, with a cupContinue reading “How to find time to write a novel, with help from Stephen King”

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