#FridayFictioneers ‘Overlook Hotel’ #FlashFiction

Time again for a new episode of Friday Fictioneers featuring our indomitable heroine, Alice Pendragon, her best friend, Billy, and her parents Kevin and Marsha. This story takes us back to Alice’s early teen years, before her father disappeared. Thank you Rochelle at Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple for this week’s prompt for hosting this fabulousContinue reading “#FridayFictioneers ‘Overlook Hotel’ #FlashFiction”

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#Writespiration #52Words in 52 Weeks @Sacha_Black ‘Who Called?’ #FlashFiction

This flash was written in response to Sacha Black’s challenge to write a 52-word flash based on her weekly prompt.  This week’s prompt is to write about a character who is terrified Isn’t it amazing what can be done with just 52 words? Why not join in? Who Called? A gush of chilled fog pushed openContinue reading “#Writespiration #52Words in 52 Weeks @Sacha_Black ‘Who Called?’ #FlashFiction”

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