Pride and Prejudice: The Plight of Indie #Authors #IWSG

This article is written as part of the monthly group posting of the  Insecure Wtiters Support Group.  Today my insecurity is due to the prejudice against independent authors, from within and without the publishing industry. Prejudice means disfavouring or disliking something without an objective or fair reason for doing so. Pride, on the other hand,Continue reading “Pride and Prejudice: The Plight of Indie #Authors #IWSG”

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A-Z April Blogging Challenge: Theme Reveal!

This year, for the first time, I’ll be taking part in the A-Z April Blogging Challenge. My theme is going to be: Author Spotlight April 2015. I’ll be including one author per day, whose name or surname starts with (or exceptionally includes), the corresponding letter for the April Challenge. Authors will all have a fewContinue reading “A-Z April Blogging Challenge: Theme Reveal!”

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