#WednesdayMotivation ‘Good Morning, Sunshine’ #Tanka #MorningMeditation #Mindfulness

I’m currently reading The Gift: Twelve Lessons to Save your life by Dr Edith Eva Eger and the words I read this morning inspired me to write this tanka.

Good morning, Sunshine

Look in the mirror, 
Say, “I love you”
Promise, “I’ll never leave you.”
Smile and hug yourself,
Now wash your happy face,
You are ready.


The Gift is indeed a gift of a book, to be read slowly and savour every word. I’m reading a few pages morning because I want to digest Edith’s wisdom slowly.

Here’s the paragraph which inspired me today. This is a piece of advice she gave a patient who was severely depressed.

“So start by getting up in the morning and going to the mirror. Look yourself in the eye and say, ‘I love you.’ Say, ‘I’m never going to leave you.’ Hug yourself. Kiss yourself. Try it!

And then keep showing up for yourself all day, every day.”

So easy and so incredibly powerful. Try it!


Have a wonderful day!

You deserve it!

Photo from Pixabay

Published by LucciaGray

Writer, blogger, teacher, reader and lover of words wherever they are. Author of The Eyre Hall Trilogy, the breathtaking sequel to Jane Eyre. Luccia lives in sunny Spain, but her heart's in Victorian London.

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