#MondayBlogs ‘6 Ways to Recover from Grief: A Letter to Myself’ #MondayMotivation

When I was in the midst of grieving the loss of a loved one, it was like being in a dark tunnel. I felt alone, lost, and I had no idea how to get out of the darkness and devastation. I think this sense of desperation, loss and confusion at losing your bearings, was notContinue reading “#MondayBlogs ‘6 Ways to Recover from Grief: A Letter to Myself’ #MondayMotivation”

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#MondayMotivation ‘Feel Better in Five’ by Dr Rangan Chatterjee #MondayBlogs #PersonalGrowth

Over the past months I’ve been reading a great number of motivational and inspiring books on the topic of personal growth. I’ve also been listening to podcasts and watching videos on YouTube. This interest has sprung from a combination of factors as I’ve recently reached a few significant milestones in my life; I retired andContinue reading “#MondayMotivation ‘Feel Better in Five’ by Dr Rangan Chatterjee #MondayBlogs #PersonalGrowth”

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#PhotoOfMyLife Day4 Autumn Leaves #Poem #MondayBlogs #MondayMotivation

Enough The path is narrow, With many a winding turn, Which leads us to who knows where, Who knows when, or why? So, Crunch the leaves, Stare at the sky, Feel the wind swipe your cheeks, While the sun tickles your eyes, And smile, Because that’s enough. Enjoy your walk! I live outside my city,Continue reading “#PhotoOfMyLife Day4 Autumn Leaves #Poem #MondayBlogs #MondayMotivation”

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#FridayFictioneers ‘The Swimming Competition’ #FlashFiction #100Words @MondayBlogs

It’s Friday, time for another Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction story featuring Alice Pendragon and her best friend Billy! This week they’re both taking part in a swimming competition. Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting the challenge and to Terri Smeigh for this week’s photo prompt. **** The Swimming Competition The highest school team goal scorerContinue reading “#FridayFictioneers ‘The Swimming Competition’ #FlashFiction #100Words @MondayBlogs”

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#MondayBlogs ‘Write from the heart’ #WritingTips @BathFlashAward #FlashFiction

I was recently browsing the Bath Flash Awards website when I came across an interview with this edition’s (March-June 2019) Flash Fiction Award Judge, Christopher Allen. You can read the whole interview here. It was the final question and answer that has mesmerised me all weekend. I quote the question and answer here: Any finalContinue reading “#MondayBlogs ‘Write from the heart’ #WritingTips @BathFlashAward #FlashFiction”

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Not #BlueMonday in #JaneEyre

Poor Monday, nobody seems to like you, and apparently today is the worst Monday of the year, the third Monday of January. Don’t despair. I have three great reads to liven your Monday: 1- I found this article on Twitter this morning thanks to @Taragreaves who posted this fabulous article called Stop Chasing and StartContinue reading “Not #BlueMonday in #JaneEyre”

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