#NaPoWriMo Day 8 ‘Unpromised Land’ #poetrymonth #April #Writephoto #Tanka #MondayBlogs #Migration

National Poetry Writing Month is a poetry writing challenge to write a poem a day, which takes place every year in April. Follow the link to find out more, be inspired, get daily prompts and meet other poets! For Day 7, I’m joining in with Sue Vincent’s weekly #Writephoto prompt. Writers and bloggers are invitedContinue reading “#NaPoWriMo Day 8 ‘Unpromised Land’ #poetrymonth #April #Writephoto #Tanka #MondayBlogs #Migration”

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Flash! Fiction: Getting Through The Night

International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2015. Dedicated to al the women who are forced to endanger their lives every day. Act I Jed nodded from across the street, so I jumped into the sports car with the stranger. “What’s your objective tonight?” He asked me eyes locked on the windscreen. I looked at my watchContinue reading “Flash! Fiction: Getting Through The Night”

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Jenny, Lady Lilith and Celine Varens: Artistic Representation of Prostitution in Victorian England in Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.

The first manuscript of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s poem Jenny was buried with his wife, Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal , in Highgate Cemetery, in London, and remained in her grave, reportedly in Siddal’s red hair, until it was exhumed six years later and redrafted several times, before it was finally published in 1869. The poem is aContinue reading “Jenny, Lady Lilith and Celine Varens: Artistic Representation of Prostitution in Victorian England in Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.”

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