#SundayWalks #Tanka #SilentSunday #Spring is near!

Yellows, pinks and greens, Blues, browns, purples and black, too, Colours of fresh air, The sweet smell of cool spring skies, The sound of bright, warm sunshine. I hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday!

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#SundayWalks #Tanka #SilentSunday

Cool water trickles From ancient grotto and slides Onto thirsty earth. Drops merge into wide river And slide into oceans deep. My paradise♥️💖🌍 in Fontibre, Cantabria, Spain. 🇪🇸 Hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday!

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#SilentSunday ‘SIX Things that Happened in March 2021’ #OneWordSunday #haiku

Six little flowers and six little big things which happened this month, because each day is made up of wonderful little occasions which make life’s happy moments. These photos were taken over the last few days during my walks. Every small flower Brings a huge smile to my lips Little things matter This post wasContinue reading “#SilentSunday ‘SIX Things that Happened in March 2021’ #OneWordSunday #haiku”

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